Fight dark circles and under eyebags with Fractional CO2 Laser or PRP treatments

While you may use cool eye masks and cucumbers to combat dark circles and undereye bags, there is more you can do to effectively address these common skin concerns. At Dermed Clinic, we have several clinically proven treatment options that work to reduce the appearance of these imperfections for patients in and around the Danga Bay, Johor Bahru area.

What can cause the development of eyebags and dark undereye circles?

There are several reasons why you may be noticing imperfections around and underneath the eyes. These can often occur due to the following:

  • Poor sleep
  • A diet high in salt
  • Sinus congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Loose fat and
  • Allergic reactions

What are some possible treatment options to address these skin imperfections around the eyes?

Some of the treatment recommendations made for dark circles under the eyes and eye bag removal include:

  • Fractional CO2 Laser. With CO2 laser light, the skin can be resurfaced and healed for tighter skin and improved undereye appearance.
  • PRP treatment. Use your own platelet-rich plasma to boost the healing and recovery of the skin, fighting the signs of aging with a simple blood sample!
  • Dermal fillers. Fillers are gel-like injectables that add volume right where they are needed with long-lasting injections and results.
  • Dermed radiofrequency. With RF energy targeted around the eyes, the skin will begin to boost collagen production, reducing the appearance of aging and sagging skin.

Which treatment is best for my needs?

Once you have undergone an evaluation, our team can recommend the best treatment for your unique situation. We customize our treatment plans based on the patient’s needs and budget to ensure individualized solutions for each patient who enters our office.

Look refreshed and younger with treatment for undereye bags and dark circles!

Ready to boost your appearance without plastic surgery? Dr. Muniandi Velayuthan of Dermed Clinic in Danga Bay, Johor Bahru, can assist. Call +601133220069 or +60166999097 to request a consultation visit with our team of professionals. We are committed to providing several solutions to skincare concerns to ensure we have a treatment option for every lifestyle and budget! We are open to new and returning patients and have over ten years of quality service in the area.

Dr. Muniandi Velayuthan

Dr. Muniandi Velayuthan

Dr. Muniandi Velayuthan is highly qualified with over 10 years of experience in Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology. Holding an MBBS (Bgm) and a Diploma in Dermatology from Bangkok, he has further specialized as a Fellow in Cutaneous and Laser Surgery in Bangkok. Dr. Velayuthan has honed his expertise working alongside pioneering dermatologists at Dr. Subra Center for Skin Diseases and has been trained by renowned aesthetic physicians, positioning him as a trusted professional in the field of aesthetics.